A person needs to try stay away from cakes, cookies and pastries, hamburgers, fatty meats and bacon. Also, eat less foods high in salt and you need to reduce soda consumption. All these foods add lots of calories to your diet and make your face seem more bloated and can lead to double chin problems.
Fast Results Double Chin Exercise
Lift your chin up, same as if you were gazing at the stars or at a tall building. Then clench your teeth and employ your tongue to squash against the base of your lower front teeth. You must be able to be aware of how the muscles of your neck begin working, and therefore start to tauten. Hold this position for about ten seconds, then move your head as you wish and replicate this exercise for several more times in a row. This exercise should be performed a couple of times a day.
Facial Exercises That I like To Call The "Chewing The Cud" Chin Exercise
If you're interested in easy methods to reduce a double chin, consider the following simple facial exercise too. All you need to do is to fake chewing. Imagine that you eat something and move your tongue and jaws as if you would do this for real. Even if it sounds better to actually eat, don't! You must feel the muscle groups working against each other while you fake chew. This is because these facial exercises work on the theory of isometrics which flex in opposite directions. What works for the body in the gym to hone muscles, works similarly to the toning of face tissue. Exercising the underlying muscles, gives the jawline a rippled, slimmer appearance.
At the same time as performing facial exercises, you ought to concentrate to how your jaws and face behave; that is why it is recommended to look at yourself in a mirror. Perform these 2 exercises for a number of weeks and you'll soon stop wondering on how to trim down a double chin.
Please check out Wendy's double chin and facial exercises website for more on this subject